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Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 18:31:52 PST7
From: Harry Chris Motin < >
To: SCOUG Help < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: WATCOM C Link Errors

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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HELP! My WATCOM C/C++ setup is not quite right. Any help would be muchly

I'm trying to learn C/C++ and to use the WATCOM download package. I'm
trying to create a sample 32bit OS/2 program, using the
C:\WATCOM\SRC\hello.c file and the linker. This is a sample exercise in
the Watcom C/C++ Programmer's Guide. Following the example in the guide
I entered the following into a commandline in the C:\WATCOM\SRC

wcl386 /l=os2v2 hello.c

All I got was a ton of errors. I captured the log output of the linker
and put it in the attached file, LinkResult.TXT. The following is just a
few lines from that file:

Watcom C/C++32 Compile and Link Utility Version 11.0c
Copyright by Sybase, Inc., and its subsidiaries, 1988, 2000.
All rights reserved. Watcom is a trademark of Sybase, Inc.
wcc386 hello.c
Watcom C32 Optimizing Compiler Version 11.0c
Copyright by Sybase, Inc., and its subsidiaries, 1984, 2000.
All rights reserved. Watcom is a trademark of Sybase, Inc.
hello.c: 6 lines, included 477, 0 warnings, 0 errors
Code size: 24

WATCOM Linker Version 11.0c
Copyright by Sybase, Inc., and its subsidiaries, 1985, 2000.
All rights reserved. Watcom is a trademark of Sybase, Inc.
loading object files
searching libraries
Warning! W1008: cannot open os2386.lib : No such file or directory
Error! E2028: DosWrite is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: DosQuerySysInfo is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: DosSetRelMaxFH is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: DosExit is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: DosCloseMutexSem is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: DosCreateMutexSem is an undefined reference

It goes on with many more errors.

I should not get any errors by linking a sample WATCOM file. Anybody got
any ideas as to what's wrong? Thanks for your help.



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