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The problem came back, so it is not the date. (I had reset the BIOS date
in CMOS and the trap0008 problem had stopped).
I hate it when problems are intermittent -- you never know if what you did
fixed it, or if something else is wrong.
After a few days of no problem, the computer again began crashing with a
trap0008 at the very end of the boot process. I thought maybe it was
related to being cold. It boot OK after a while, and then on a reboot, it
crashed again -- and again.
Finally I boot into my maintenance partition and disabled Norton AV like
Peter showed me, and it boot fine.
I removed the Norton os2sched.exe from the startup folder, and so far
there is no problem. Was that the cause? Is it now fixed? (Norton is still
doing some kind of check on boot up, so I don't know how that is
If it is a hardware problem, is there a way to troubleshoot it?
>>My question is: I went thru CMOS with a fine tooth comb. I set and reset
>>everything in CMOS I could find (except for the date). I even tried
>>"normal" as well as "optimal" settings. Could it be that the anti virus
>>program checks the date to see how old the program is? I know IBM
>>antivirus used to do that and send a message if you were more than seven
>>months behind.
>That is odd. However, it backleveling the date can make the problem
>return, that must be the cause. Trap 8 is often hardware related, but
>not always.
>I'm sure Norton checks the date so that it can alert you that you should
>download new signatures.
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