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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
I need a little help at the OpenWatcom website. At that site you can
download 2 *.exe files, which are the C/C++ developer and the Fortran77
developer. The first one is ~46MB in size and the other is ~34MB. There
are also a bunch of *.zip files for C/C++ and Fortran77, that you can
download as an alternative.
Unfortunately, I have a 56K modem, which is rather slow. First, I tried
to download the 46 MB C/C++ *.exe file. I got to 97% complete after ~4
hours and the connection went dead. So ..., I later downloaded all the
*.zip files and unzipped them into a common directory, preserving all
the subdirectory structure. My problem is that I do not see how to
install C/C++ and Fortran77 as a working system, using the unzipped
files. There does not seem to be an installer and there are no
installation instructions. Anyone had any experience with setting up
C/C++, using the *.zip files????
I would rather not have to download the 2 big *.exe files. One thing
worries me about them. The description on both files includes the
following: "(Windows Installer)". Does that mean I can only install
under "MS you know what"? I don't want to spend all that time
downloading these 2 files, only to find out I cannot install C/C++ and
Any suggestions with the *.zip files and/or the 2 executable files would
be appreciated. Thanks.
Steven Levine wrote:
> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
> REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
> =====================================================
> In <>, on 01/02/02
> at 01:13 PM, Sheridan George said:
> >I'm for it even though I more dismayed about the ramp-up time involved
> >after reading some of FAQs on:
> I don't get it. You are not going to use but a small subset of what's
> there.
> >I realize this site is very dated but I face: learning another language
> Curly braces rather than indenting.
> >(C), how to use a complier (Watcom C), maybe re-learn assembler,
> nmake will run the compiler for you. You will be modifying existing
> makefiles. icat supports source level debugging.
> Standard whining snipped. :-)
> Steven
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> "Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.30a #10183 Warp4/FP15
> #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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