> Is there a way to determine what element is not connecting; router,
> modem, ISP? I can access the router thru a URL but that just indicates
> no connect.
You didn't tell us what router you are using but since you said it can be accessed by a URL I guessing
it is an SMC.
I'm also guessing that your cable provider requires DHCP and that your IP lease runs out.
If both guesses are correct there is a setting in the SMC that tells it to renew the DHCP lease before
the lease runs out. That should fix the problem.
When @home went bankrupt and Adelphia took over my cable service I had to switch from a static IP to
DHCP. I'm using an SMC and with the "renew the lease" switch set I'm on as soon as any of my
computers boot up.
For the fun of it I check my IP from time to time to see what it is. In the month that I've had
Adelphia, my IP hasn't changed even though the lease is for 2 hours at a time. It would change if I
ever unplugged the modem or router (neither have a switch).
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