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Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 05:58:58 PST7
From: "Info 4 SYNass.NET" <Info@SYNass.NET >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: Cable/DSL Router

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.


> In <>, on 01/26/02 =

> at 09:53 PM, (Sandy Shapiro) said:
>>> lpr -s -p lpt0 \config.sys
> =

>>> will make that error go away.
>>Right, now it says:
>>lpr32.dll won't initialize, rc=3D -20021 (see -- I
think I got it right)
>That's odd. Could be you have a defective tcp/ip installation. =

>would explain a lot.

My try was quite successfull:

WS210 - SMILY ** C:\ >lpr -s 192.168.nnn.254 -p lp \autoexec.bat
Trying LPD print server 192.168.nnn.254, device lp.
Printing \autoexec.bat
385 bytes. The entire document was sent.

WS210 - SMILY ** C:\ >

The file was sent and printed but the paper was kept in the
printer =

after last letter ...
=2E.. it seems there is no CR/LF !?

>>I also tried copy \config.sys lpt1

This try did not print:
WS210 - SMILY ** C:\ >copy \autoexec.bat lpt1
1 file copied

WS210 - SMILY ** C:\ >

> The trick is to use more descriptive names.

Exact this is my focus ;-)
LPT1 is always the local printer connected to the single parallel
port !
LPT2 is empty
LPT3 is Fxprint
LPT6 is IBMnull redirected to LPT1

LPD0 is empty
LPD1 is the BJ-230 connected to SMC 7004 BR's print server

Currently there are only 2 LPD's !

> After a while naming every file iptrace.txt is sure to confuse

That's correct and has the risc that one day another iptrace.txt
may be =

overwritten ;-(

Last but not least a special experience:

I wanted to use the color printer Canon BJc-6100 connected to the
SMC ...
=2E.. because it has an interesting feature: Setting Power ON / OFF
The setting were ON if a print stream wakes the sleeping unit and

after 10 minutes of no activity ;-)

Unfortunately the printer did not work according to the settings
in =

earlier trys. It seems that the electronic philosophy is refusing
to =

cooperate ;-(
The BJ-230 a B/W A3 printer does not have this Power On / OFF
feature =

and its behavior is much better but it's ON permanent ;-((

Perhaps with my system environment working properly with the SMC
I hope =

the Power ON / OFF feature may become working too !?
That would be really great ;-))

I have to stop here ...
=2E.. cu another time again

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