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Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 17:38:54 PST7
From: "Steven Levine" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Boot hang: still there

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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In <>, on 07/24/02
at 09:51 AM, Wayne Cypress said:

>Yes I do use WarpCenter. I tried moving it to the startup folder awhile,
>but that didn't change anything, still got hangs, so I put it back in


>config.sys and substituted them. After manually rebuilding warpcenter and
>toolbar, I'm pretty much back where I was... a useable desktop and
>intrmittant boot hangs. So, I may have re-introduced the hang when I
>restored the ini files, or I was just lucky while not using them.

It's likely something subtle is broken in your .ini's.

>However, on thinking about it, it's not really a "hang" per se, "hang" is
>a misnomer..... because when I have the "blue screen hang" (which BTW is
>in 1280x1024 mode) I can:

This is considered a hang. There are several flavors of hang.

> - ctrl-alt-W to bring up Watchcat, which displays processor usage

Since you have Watchcat, what happens if you use it to kill the 2nd
invocation of PMSHELL when the hang occurs? Effectively, this is the code
that implements the WPS.

>Someone mentioned a possible problem with AIC7870.ADD, so I'll try to
>find the latest version, but the problem description doesn't match my

I doubt it's related in any way.

Once you get a desktop backup setup that you trust going, you can try a
non-destructive makeini. To do this, you boot to the command line an run:

makeini os2.ini ini.rc
makeini os2sys.ini inisys.rc

Search cmdref.inf for makeini for details. If you do this without
deleting the existing .ini's, your current Desktop will be saved and the
parts of the Desktop owned by the WPS will be restored to a default state.
Sometimes, this will clear up nagging problems as the cost of losing some
of your customizations. You can recover some of your customizations from
the saved Desktop, but it's never a 100% recovery.

If you want, run:

checkini /w /s

and email the checkini.log to me. I might see something.


"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.31a #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.085_W4 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)


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