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Svobi wrote:
> Right now on IBM's testcase you will find
> the last kernel version 14.089e - Get it before it disappears
> again !
> It works fine here ;-)
A specified URL is always a good idea.
Svobi, I think I might need that kernel -- if it is appropriate for ECS (single processor).
I am running Rev. 14.088_W4 in ECS, which I thought was the kernel from MCP-2. It had been my impression
that Warp 4, WSEB, and ECS each had their own distinct kernels (which could not be interchanged), but I
don't really know if that is correct.
I would have placed a small wager that the kernel-as-culprit idea for my VDM crashes in ECS was total
baloney . . . but I must now reluctantly admit that the guy from Scitech appears to be correct. I
uninstalled SDD Pro 7.0.9, and tried to reinstall the 7.05 se version, but the procedure kept bombing out
for some reason. Being fairly sick of this by now, and not wanting to look at plain VGA, I gave up and
installed the Matrox drivers. Everything looks good again, but the DOS sessions still Trap E in the very
same way. Given this fact, I now have little to lose by trying another kernel.
There are a bunch of kernels on the July SCOUG cd, but I can't tell which may be an appropriate substitute
for the one I'm running. None of them are as recent as the one Svobi mentions.
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