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Steven Levine wrote:
> In <3D2A2325.91DFF5B3@usa.net>, on 07/08/02
> at 03:41 PM, Sheridan George said:
> >Using my Xerox C20, I have attempted to print on 11' x 17" paper but to
> >no avail. The properties in the printer job queue says I have a forms
> >mismatch. That sounds like the paper size the printer is adjusted for
> >and what the print object has been given to print are not the same.
> Typically, you want to set the form size in the Job Properties. It this
> where you are doing it?
Yes. When I got the "forms mismatch" error I then manually changed the printer to tabloid thru its
'on-the-printer' buttons (got a saved indication) and tried again. No joy. Same error notice.
>Have you tried 11x17 in another app?
Yes. Same result. FYI: MrEd editor and Clearlook.
> >PS FYI: I'm needing to print some really long lines from html documents
> >from the net. I don't want to break the lines because I looking for
> >patterns. (I have tried breaking the lines and it is too hard to keep my
> >place synchronized.)
> What sort of patterns?
I'm creating a REXX parser to lift options data from a web source that downloads using Wget as an HTML
page. The data is in one of the several tables in the web page. There is a lot of "garbage" that I
want to eliminate such as layout tables, fonts, colors, anchors for banner ads, etc.
I have a working parser but on occasional downloads there are less cells with data than usual and
those upset my parser because of the way the cells are loaded.
Cells with data are described:
>32.70 |
Cells with with out data are described:
Cells that have string information are described:
I want all of the string data but only some of the number data. In some cases normally filled cells
are not filled with number data which upsets my count of right angle brackets ( > ) which I use to
excise garbage.
To complicate matters, the first 8 columns of the table are in one long concatenated line. The other 7
columns are concatenated on a new line (sometimes with a blank line between and sometimes not).
I'm trying to find a more reliable pattern than counting > to determine my position in the table. A
pattern that will not lose my place when occasional additional "garbage" is added or subtracted.
FWIW, I actually don't count. I use a REXX parse template such as:
parse var RawDataLine . '>' . '>' . '>' CallSymbol '<' , /* call option symbol */
. 'td align' , /* "last" */
. 'td align' , /* "change" */
. 'td align' , /* "volume" */
. 'td align' . '' CallBid '<' , /* call bid */
. 'td align' . '' CallAsk '<' , /* call ask */
. 'td align' tCallOpen ' | ' , /* call Open Interest */
. 'td align' . '' StrikePrice '<' , /* strike price */
. /* discard the rest of the line */
/* there may not be an open interest which means there may not be an '' in
the CallOpen column. So, we handle it by putting the whole line in a temp var (tCallOpen above)
and process that var (below) */
if pos('', tCallOpen) = 0 then CallOpenInterest = 0
else parse var tCallOpen . '' CallOpenInterest '.' /* call open interest w/o decimal
digits */
Now that I have laid all of this out for you, Steven, I think my best bet is to forego looking for
some esoteric stable pattern and use the one that must always be there - the ... | pairs. If I
break the long lines by ... | pairs (in effect by table columns), I can handle the columns in
which I have an interest in a manner similar to what I did for the tCallOption var in the above parse.
Thanks for asking the question, Steven. You have helped clarify/simplify my thinking.
But I still want to figure out how to print tabloid documents on my C20.
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