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Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 11:55:29 PST7
From: "J. R. Fox" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: install vs. migration

Content Type: text/plain

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> >and Steven concurred (a rare occasion, this) :

Steven wrote:

> Rain happens.

Any day I find you in agreement with the Duck is a day I expect to see frogs raining from the
sky, probably with thunder & lightning thrown in for good measure. ;-)

> As you have found, the answer is it depends. Technically, you can do
> manually anything the application specific installer might have done. In
> practive, if the app is complex and creates lots of objects and registers
> lots of classes, it's easier to let the application specific installer do
> the work.


> The best way to try to move an application is to use the WPS and drag it
> to its new home. This will update all the WPS specific settings for the
> application. You might still have to update config.sys and, perhaps, the
> application specific .ini data.

I never knew that, and it will be useful.



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