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Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 10:53:16 PST7
From: "Info2SYNass.NET" <Info@SYNass.NET >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: Drive Image Backups to HDD

Content Type: text/plain

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Hi Peter
is it really necessary to do this very intensive xcopy / xcomp
procedure ?
I also did something like you at the begin but changed my
strategy !

My system's setup has not changed anymore in the last 2-3 years
... and I divided my backup strategy into following priority

1) Data
2) Library
3) System

Depending on its priority I do run the backup frequences i.e.
according to
the priorities:

1) daily
2) (bi-)weekly
3) monthly

There are also different kind of backups !

Why shall I do a full backup every time ?
Why not do one weekly full backup and only incremental daily
backups ??

Well, I can only give some ideas or thoughts but no suggestions !
Each of us has to decide her- or himself !!

BTW: Since I use OS/2 my Backup Software is Sytos Premium and
all these years I had no problems with backups and restores
except once ;-(
Just about 6 weeks ago I attached an IBM 76GB HDD and started a
new partitioning on the 2 existing and this new HDD.
Finally when everthing was done I decided to squeze the
partitions on this
new 76GB HDD an did with Partition Magic 2.03.

I did a backup before I started reorganizing and was confident ...
... till I realized that 4 of my 5 partitons in the new big HDD
were disappeared ;-(
Well, no problems, were my thoughts till I had to learn that my
backup tapes
weren't restorable ;-((

However and whatever I did my most accurate backup was definitely
lost ;-(((

Luckily I had another but slightly elder generation of a full
backup to get my
data nearly complete again ;-))

This experience has teached me to take care of a solid backup
based on more than one existing generation only !!!

I am sure you do care for your data but is it the right strategy ?

Have a nice day,
svobi on 31.07.2002 18.08.55
Please respond to
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: Drive Image Backups to HDD

Info2SYNass.NET wrote:
> I did not realize your 24x7 situation
> I think your 7 hours downtime needs some
> very special actions to get it shortened

Hi Svobi,

On the main machine it takes about 3-1/2 hours to xcopy
everything and
another 3-1/2 hours to xcomp (compare/verify) everything. The
drives are all IDE PIO4 with busmastering *but* the Primary
Master is a
rather old 2 GB drive (Dani's utility says it's "Mword" whatever
is) -- faster drives would speed things up somewhat.

I want to add a backup server to the network. I own Back
Server but don't use it.

- Peter

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