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Hi Wayne
here is a little pic I found of my plug-in:
the grey frame is alu and fixed in the case like any CD-ROM, HDD,
the white box contains the HDD and it's removable
Here in Switzerland it costs about US$ 50 completely but we can
either frame or the box seperately too.
Since 5 years I am working with these units with no problems ;-))
Regards, svobi
- plug-in.JPG on 27.07.2002 20.32.46
Please respond to
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: Drive Image Backups
>Hi Wayne
>why don't you choose Ray's solution ?
>Get a plug-in bay and a (or some) additonal HDD frames for your
>additional HDD's.
>So you will have a quite cost-effective and flexible solution.
>Perhaps you can use some elder "too small" HDD's as external
>storage for some specific purposes !?
>Regards, svobi
Yeah, I kinda liked Ray's approach. I've never seen the plug-in
bays he
mentioned, and I'm wondering where you find them.
I'll have to check out eBay to see if any show up there.
The beauty of Ray's setup is the ability to carry the backup
offsite, and
older HDD's are probably cheaper than Zip media.
I do (also) have an old PS/2 mod 95 with hard drive "trays" so I
guess it
must be something on that order.
I'm not sure what a hard drive "frame" is, though I suspect it's
a separate
box to contain HDD's... how does it get attached?
If it was scsi, I suspect the external adapter plug for the scsi
cable can
be used, but are there IDE frames as well?
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