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> >I won't bother posting any of the register dumps from my many Trap E's
> >here, unless someone wants to see them. (However, I would welcome the
Steven replied:
> Well, if they are all for the same address, they will be interesting. If
> the they are all for different addresses, that is also interesting.
There are pronounced similarities in all my Trap E's, which match certain parts of most of the
Trap E's from the many threads I combed through on the newsgroup. The problem is, when
it comes to the "addressing", I'm not sure I can recognize the wheat from the chaff. I recall
seeing someone like Scott G. or Irv S. -- in another context -- write something like "If
CSLIM=ffffffff, then the whole trap screen is probably useless." If that is an accurate quote
of a true fact, I'm afraid all of my trap screens fall into this category.
In any case, most but not all of them reference OS2KRNL. They mostly conclude with "The System
detected an internal processing error at location ##0168:fff1eb1c-000e:cb1c." Then, below this,
"60000,9084." And below that: "07860683." And of course, the ever popular "The System is
stopped." The ##0168 is always there, as is the 60000,9084 and the 07860683. The ":fff1ebc" is
the one that turns up over and over again in the newsgroup threads, and was the Trap-E I wrote
down from Kernel 14_088.
I also wrote down one full and one partial Trap-E screen from 14_089e. The first one, from
before I disabled C-A-D Cmdr., listed the internal proc. error at location ##0168:f18830d1, with
1188, 7023 under that, and the constant 07860683 under that. The later Trap, with the same
kernel, *after* I had disabled C-A-D Cmdr., shows the error at location
0168:fff1eb73-000e:cb73. And back to 60000, 9084 with the 07860683.
If any of the register values are key, tell me which ones to watch out for.
> It just appears that it's not a command problem.
Not sure what that means.
> I assume you are already running the beta CAD Commander keyboard driver
> required by FP13+.
I have the last version, 2.52, and think I picked up that driver. I'll double-check on the
> This implies a video driver or video subsystem issue. It still could be a
> problem in the VDM subsystem install.
How do you go about ditching and re-installing the VDM subsystem ? (Assuming this part was not
altered by the fixpack.) Selective Install covers this ?
> >for ECS thus far. After this, I disable C-A-D in Config.Sys, so it does
> You also need to restore the OS/2 keyboard driver.
And I'll double-check that. I did scan Config.Sys for anything with "kbd" in it. My
recollection was that PC replaced several standard system files with its own version, whereas
C-A-D did less of that.
> >WSEB and W4 / FP-9 partitions are working fine, as is W2K. So this is
> This starting to sound like you are not using the correct CAD keyboard
> driver. I know the driver needed a change for FP13+, but don't know what
> the failure modes are.
We're talking about KBDBASE.SYS here, aren't we ? I'm not even sure whether or not C-A-D is
supposed to be compatible with eCS, but it has been commented out of Config.Sys for several days
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