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Steven wrote:
> >(single processor). I am running Rev. 14.088_W4 in ECS, which I thought
> >was the kernel from MCP-2. It had been my impression that Warp 4, WSEB,
> >and ECS each had their own distinct kernels (which could not be
> >interchanged), but I don't really know if that is correct.
> You are close. When discussing the v4.5 kernels, there are 3 variants:
> Warp4
> Warp4_UNI
> Warp4_SMP
> The Warp4 kernels are for all non-SMP Warp distritions. This includes
> Warp4 FP13+, MCP1, MCP2.
Great, that's the basic file clarification I was looking for. So the W4 branch is
what I want. (I had been concerned that it might apply only to OS/2 versions prior to
ECS, whereas ECS might have had something like a 4.5x designation.)
> You probably want to try the kernel in:
> This reports itself
> Internal revision 14.089e_W4
> which is the most recent stable kernel I know of.
Did try it, I believe, as detailed in my last message. It should be the kernel that
is installed in ECS now, not that this is making any difference.
This is probably just another dead end, but another ECS user told me I should try
turning off Video BIOS Shadowing. Why that should matter, when W4, WSEB, and W2K
don't mind it being set ON, I have no clue . . . but hey, at this point I'm game to
try almost anything.
> There are several sites that archive testcase kernels. A google search
> finds:
Thanks. Another good entry for my Bookmark collection.
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