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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
I recommend that you also get UniMaint and use it regularly in a regime
with Checkini and Cleanini. The procedure should be to clean the OS2.INI
with these products in the following order:
1. UniMaint
2. Checkini
3. Cleanini
Apparently, there are some things that each one does that the other 2 do
not. Also, if you get UniMaint, it has a feature to save all of the
Desktop files and the CONFIG.SYS, OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI files. You can
save a several generations, the number selectable by you.
If you do not go with UniMaint, there are several products on Hobbes and
the OS/2 BBS to backup the desktop. You can probably to a search on
"Desktop backup" to find them. I've never used any of these, however, as
I find the UniMaint backup works just fine.
Finally, you can download a couple of PMREXX scripts that provide a
texted, user input interface for selecting the desired options for
running Checkini and Cleanini. You will find them on Hobbes. Search for and
Wayne Cypress wrote:
> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
> REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
> ===================================================
> > Be sure to backup your desktop before attempting any Desktop cleanup.
> Steven, I'll give that a try (actually, I already had WPtools downloaded,
> but I don't think I've used it).
> But, I'm afraid I'm ignorant in this area: how does one backup & restore
> the desktop? I use the background "properties" to archive the desktop
> between boots now & then when I've made alterations I wish to keep, but I
> have no idea how one backs up the desktop... the OS/2 Help index gives no
> clues. I don't have a backup software product. Up til now I've just copied
> folders to other physical hard drives (a right-click on the desktop folder
> doesn't give the copy option, however), and re-installed OS/2 if that
> became necessary.
> Thanks,
> Wayne
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