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Steven Levine wrote:
> For performance reasons, the WPS
> caches a lot of data in memory.
Yes. And as far as I know both of the OS2*.INI files are included in
this "data" and are kept in memory and occasionally written to disk.
> I think [both UniMaint and CheckIni] use [the appropriate
> OS/2 routines] along with the documented WPS interfaces.
> However, the problem is that neither can notify the WPS
> of the changes thay have made, in all cases.
This makes no sense. If a program uses WPS calls to modify OS2.INI then
the WPS gets these calls and updates the data. If a program uses a WPS
call then "making the change" and "notifying WPS of the change" are both
done with a single call, the same call. Yes?
> The regressions occur when the WPS has something cached
> and unimaint/checkini fixes the same item in the .INI and
> then the WPS decides to flush its cache to the .INI's.
It shouldn't make any difference if the WPS first has to shove the
update into a memory buffer and from there eventually caches it to
OS2.!!! which gets written to OS2.INI on shutdown. And if a program
makes a call to the WPS with an update while the WPS is moving the
memory buffer to the disk cache then the WPS shouldn't "lose" the
update, it should just put this new update into the memory cache for the
next buffer flush to disk.
Are you saying that somewhere along this linear data flow the WPS is
internally broken and "loses" updates?
- Peter
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