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Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 21:21:40 PST7
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: books on OS/2

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

I've put out a search for that book. Spent several hours on Saturday
online attempting to find it. Put in a search at and also at
my local Border's bookstore. It is a matter of time before it pops up.
Thanks for the direction and information. I am running warp 4.

In <>, on 07/21/2002
at 11:55 AM, "J. R. Fox" said:

>If you are responding to someone asking for help who
>may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
>REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

>Butch Langel wrote:

>> Any good books out there about os/2 that will help an individual learn how
>> to function effectively with the system? I've started hitting the
>> second-hand bookstores and the bargain shelves of the name bookstores here
>> in Las Vegas, but nothing on os/2.

>There are some other good titles, but the only one I know of that was
>specifically devoted to Warp 4 (the last version of OS/2 prior to ECS,
>and therefore possibly the most relevant / up to date) is "Getting to
>Know OS/2 Warp 4" by Stokes, Buecker, et al. Prentice Hall, 1996, ISBN
>0-13-842147-1, 620 pages, original price $40. It concentrated on new
>features or changes introduced with version 4, and assumed some basic
>familiarity with Warp 3. (I don't recall your mentioning which ver. of
>OS/2 you are running. Just f.y.i., a complete used set of Warp 4 can
>often be found on Ebay for 50 bucks *or less*, and should qualify you for
>the upgrade pricing on ECS, should you later decide to go that route.)

>[Incidentally, there is an interactive tutorial within versions 3 or 4
>(which may depend on whether you installed that module ?), and this is
>not without some value for the OS/2 newcomer. It is rather basic stuff,

>If you can't find this book at one of the used bookstores, there are a
>number of used bookstores online. If the book happens to be out of
>print, there are sources or search services for that contingency online
>as well.

>Hope this helps, and welcome to the community.



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