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Hi Jordan
you are correct. Backup strategies are different and so are the
>> Svobi wrote:
>> I am not so happy with the solution "Drive Image Backup"
>> Drive Image creates a proprietary file and can restore the
>> the whole partition only ;-(
Drive Image, as for me, primaily is not a backup tool.
I see it as a partition manipulation tool.
Normally I do restore my hidden primary C: [TEST] partiton
from the normally active primary C: [PROD] partition.
>Except with later versions of their product, under certain
>versions of WIN, or so PQ claims.
>Personally, I don't feel that any one, single backup strategy
>is altogether sufficient unto itself.
>This one certainly isn't.
I do agree with you.
My thesis is: Why complicated if something simple can to do it
easier and faster !!!
>But it does make a very good alternate method . . .
>for those situations where a whole partition restore option
>may be appropriate.
This is a typical Drive Image task.
> Backup Redundancy is a good thing.
Against to Data Redundancy true ;-)
I would love to have a system partition backup on a CD-ROM
but unfortunately my system partitions are exceeding its
capacity ;-(
On the other hand I am having a 1.3GB MO Drive.
With DrDOS 7.03 and PQDI I may be able to restore my system
from the specific pqi file from the MO media ;-)
I have to try !
Thanks for this interesting discussion ;-))
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