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> Peter Skye said:
> >I just replace my OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI
> >files from the last backup
Steven Levine wrote:
> If your Desktop folder tree has not changed much
> since the last .INI save, it's really no different.
I don't believe I've used the Desktop "folder tree" in several years.
In fact, with all the folders and programs and command line windows that
I always keep open, I don't believe I've even *seen* my Desktop "folder
tree" in several years.
A dir shows I have a lot of Desktops:
[G:\]dir desk*
The volume label in drive G is OS2.
The Volume Serial Number is A74C:8C14.
Directory of G:\
5-04-99 9:54a 2370 Desktop
2-26-02 4:10a 375 Desktop1
2-26-02 4:15a 375 Desktop2
2-26-02 4:20a 375 Desktop3
2-27-02 12:04p 375 Desktop4
3-12-02 10:59a 375 Desktop5
And I have a lot of Temporary Desktops too:
[G:\]dir temporary*
The volume label in drive G is OS2.
The Volume Serial Number is A74C:8C14.
Directory of G:\
8-31-01 3:14a 453 Temporary Desktop
8-31-01 10:43a 453 Temporary Desktop1
9-01-01 1:33a 453 Temporary Desktop2
9-01-01 4:10p 453 Temporary Desktop3
9-02-01 9:39a 453 Temporary Desktop4
9-02-01 11:38p 453 Temporary Desktop5
9-03-01 10:12a 453 Temporary Desktop6
9-04-01 12:17a 453 Temporary Desktop7
9-05-01 8:14p 76 Temporary Desktop8
9-05-01 8:19p 76 Temporary Desktop9
9-05-01 8:34p 453 Temporary Desktop10
9-05-01 8:59p 370 Temporary Desktop11
9-05-01 10:49p 453 Temporary Desktop12
9-06-01 1:07a 370 Temporary Desktop13
9-06-01 1:09a 453 Temporary Desktop14
10-25-01 10:27a 502 Temporary Desktop15
10-25-01 10:36a 453 Temporary Desktop16
2-26-02 3:13a 453 Temporary Desktop17
2-26-02 3:17a 502 Temporary Desktop18
2-26-02 3:29a 453 Temporary Desktop19
2-26-02 3:39a 453 Temporary Desktop20
2-26-02 4:09a 502 Temporary Desktop21
2-26-02 4:14a 502 Temporary Desktop22
2-26-02 4:19a 502 Temporary Desktop23
2-27-02 11:49a 452 Temporary Desktop24
2-27-02 12:02p 502 Temporary Desktop25
2-27-02 12:09p 548 Temporary Desktop26
2-27-02 12:20p 453 Temporary Desktop27
3-12-02 10:58a 501 Temporary Desktop28
3-12-02 11:03a 502 Temporary Desktop29
Does this make me important? Or merely ridiculous?
UniMaint "Repair" and CheckINI haven't deleted them so maybe they're
supposed to be there (I haven't run CleanINI in a long time so don't
know what that would do).
- Peter
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