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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
is the string from the timezone program included with
from Norbert Dey (on Hobbes). With it you can determine the TZ
variable for nearly every inhabited location on earth.
Just for fun, use it to find the TZ for St. Pierre and Miquelon
and then find these two French islands on the map. They're
where you might think they'd be. [Visit: ]
I use and HIGHLY recommend this program (Time868), but acknowledge
that others, misguided and deceived individuals, one and all,
may have other favorites.
On 07/15/02, J. R. Fox wrote, in part:
>I have now entered it the way I have it in Warp 4, namely
>SET TZ=pst8
>... Can someone just paste 'n post the full correct string for
>us Left Coasters ?
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