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Wayne Cypress said:
> >Question on these "mobile racks": why is it they don't offer just the
> >pull-out part as a separate item?
Some do. I've bought a bunch of slow IDEs for about $8-10 at ACP.
Couldn't find trays, so I have a dozen extra racks. At that price, who
cares, throw 'em away. Bought some ATA100s (80-wire cables) this
weekend for $13 for a rack and tray, and $10 each for extra trays.
Lots of different brands for these things, and all of them seem to have
different geometries, so they aren't interchangeable between brands.
Also, all my drives are 5400 and they run fine continuously in the
cheapest plastic trays I can find, all the racks have fans. Some units
are rated for one disk speed or another, probably based on heat
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