on Thu, 20 Jun 2002
18:27:40 PST7
I may be a noodler but I don't hold a candle to Peter . Just so you know, this
is misquoted as me - it's Peter's (in other words, I only resemble the remark).
> Rocky wrote:
> > I just opened up my spare 4-printer mechanical switch box and found that
> > the switch is a 9-wafer 27-pole switch, and all of the 25 lines in the
> > printer cable are connected between the computer and the printer. At
> > least with this box.
> Note to Ray:
> I checked with Linksys, and they stopped making the switchbox you have a couple
> years ago. They just do ethernet stuff these days.
> Apparently, most of the better printer (sometimes called "Data") switches still on the
> market these days are electronic, and some are "smart" (i.e., auto-sensing) switches.
> Belkin has a line of these, depending on how many computers / devices you want to
> connect, and they are readily findable on ebay for a fraction of the retail price.
> Jordan
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