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Content Type: text/plain
** Reply to message from Peter Skye on Mon, 10 Jun 2002
00:27:00 -0700
> Michael Rakijas wrote:
> >
> > ** Reply to message from Peter Skye on Sat, 08 Jun 2002
> > 14:15:48 -0700
> >
> > Thanks, Peter. The log file of the results is attached.
> Hiya Rocky,
> I think you better send your log file to Steven. I've never learned
> DFSee.
Ack! Sorry, this was ment to be sent to the help list. This was my stupid
error, not my ISPs. Attached is the log file of the instruction sequence Steven
asked for,
log Rocky1
part 1
Thanks, Peter and Steven.
Content Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Rocky1.log
Appending to log : 'Rocky1.log'.=0D=0ARegistration info : Registration file=
is not present!=0D=0A=0D=0AReadWrite Store 1 : PhysDisk : 1 PartId 00 =3D -=
- mode=3DFDISK 090602-140532=0D=0ARC:0 : 001C7C40 u=3D00=
000000 x=3D0000003F this=3D00000000 Base=3D00000000=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0ADFSee =
OS2 version : 4.22 executing: part 1=0D=0ARegistration info : Registration f=
ile is not present!=0D=0A=0D=0ADFS partition Id : 01 disk nr : 1 =3D Fixe=
dDisk Diskgeo =3D Cyl: 528 H: 64 S:63=0D=0A P-table for this : 00000000 =
=3D MBR, entry:0=0D=0A System Indicator : 07 =3D Inst-FSys=0D=0A Fil=
eSyst. format : HPFS =0D=0A Partition type : Primary Visible =
OEM-name : OS2 20.0=0D=0A Partition Label : OS2=0D=0A Boot capability =
: Bootable directly by any BIOS and MBR-code=0D=0A Bootsec checksum : C854F=
F68=0D=0A Bootsect. offset : 0000003F =3D 63 Dec Cylinder size : 0=
fc0 =3D 1.97 Mb=0D=0A P-table in MBR : -000003f =3D i13: 00 01 00 =3D Cy=
l: 0 H: 0 S: 1 =3D 00000000=0D=0A 1st part sector : 00000000 =3D i13: 0=
1 01 00 =3D Cyl: 0 H: 1 S: 1 =3D 0000003f=0D=0A Last part sector : 001c=
7c00 =3D i13: 3f 7f ce =3D Cyl: 462 H: 63 S:63 =3D 001c7c3f=0D=0A Partitio=
n size : 001C7C01 =3D 912 Mb =3D 462.984 cylinders=0D=0A Cluster=
size : 00000001 =3D 512 b in 1 sector(s) of 512 bytes=0D=
=0A OS reported free : C: 269.6 Mb of 911.5 Mb on FS: HPFS =0D=0ABo=
otsec. checksum : C854FF68=0D=0A=0D=0AFileSys Dirty bit : Dirty=0D=0A=0D=0AR=
eadWrite Store 1 : PhysDisk : 1 PartId 01 =3D C: mode=3DHPFS 090602-=
140605=0D=0ARC:0 : 00000000 u=3D00000000 x=3D001C7C00 this=3D00=
000000 Base=3D0000003F=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0ADFSee OS2 version : 4.22 executing:=
=0D=0AShown sector LSN : 00000000 =3D Fsys boot sector Cyl: 0 H:=
1 S: 1 =3D 0000003F=0D=0A-00000- 01 eb 4d 90 4f 53 32 20 32 30 2e 30 00 =
02 40 01 00 [=89M?OS2 20.0=A3=02@=01=A3]=0D=0A-00010- 01 00 00 02 00 00 f8 =
82 00 3f 00 40 00 3f 00 00 00 [=A3=A3=02=A3=A3=9B?=A3?=A3@=A3?=A3=A3=A3]=
=0D=0A-00020- 01 01 7c 1c 00 80 00 28 14 18 c6 26 4f 53 32 00 00 [=01|=1C=
=A3?=A3(=14=18=92&OS2=A3=A3]=0D=0A-00030- 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 50 46 53=
20 20 20 20 00 00 [=A3=A3=A3=A3=A3=A3HPFS =A3=A3]=0D=0A=0D=0ABootsector =
format : HPFS =0D=0APart. creator : OS2 20.0=0D=0APartition label :=
OS2=0D=0ABytes per sector : Hex 200 =3D 512 64 sectors per clust=
er=0D=0AMedia type : 0xF8 =3D harddisk=0D=0ALogical geometry : =
40 / 3f =3D 64 Heads, 63 Sectors=0D=0AHidden sectors : 0000003F =3D =
32 Kb Cyl size: 0FC0 =3D 2016 Kb=0D=0ABig nr of sectors : 00=
1C7C01 =3D 912 Mb =3D 462.984 cylinders=0D=0APhysical disk nr : =
0x80 =3D 128 (Usualy 0x80)=0D=0AExt-BPB signature : 0x28 =3D =
40 (Usualy 0x28, 0x29 or 0x80)=0D=0ABoot drive-letter : 0x00 =
=3D Not bootable, data partition=0D=0AVolume-serial nr : 26C61814=0D=0A=0D=
=0AReadWrite Store 1 : PhysDisk : 1 PartId 01 =3D C: mode=3DHPFS 090=
602-140616=0D=0ARC:0 : 00000010 u=3DFFFFFFC1 x=3D001C7C00 this=
=3D00000000 Base=3D0000003F=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0ADFSee OS2 version : 4.22 execu=
ting: 10=0D=0AShown sector LSN : 00000010 =3D HPFS superblock Cyl: 0 H:=
1 S:17 =3D 0000004F=0D=0AFormatted by HPFS : 2.2 =3D Classic HPFS=0D=
=0AROOT dir LSN : 00100004=0D=0ADir band Map LSN : 000FFFF4=0D=0ADir b=
and LSN : 00104000=0D=0ADir band End LSN : 00107E7F=0D=0ADir band size=
: 00003E80 =3D 8000 Kb=0D=0ABitmap Indir. LSN : 00103600=0D=0ATotal =
sectors : 001C7C00 =3D 912 Mb=0D=0ABad sectors : 00000000 =3D =
0 b =0D=0ABad list LSN : 00103604=0D=0ALast Chkdsk (/f) : Sun Ju=
n 9 14:01:47 2002=0D=0ALast Optimize : Never =0D=0AVo=
lumeName HPFS : =0D=0AUserIdTable LSN : =
00103608=0D=0A=0D=0AReadWrite Store 1 : PhysDisk : 1 PartId 01 =3D C: mod=
e=3DHPFS 090602-140625=0D=0ARC:0 : 00100004 u=3DFFFFFFC1 x=
=3D00103608 this=3D00000010 Base=3D0000003F=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0ADFSee OS2 vers=
ion : 4.22 executing: 11=0D=0AShown sector LSN : 00000011 =3D HPFS spareblo=
ck Cyl: 0 H: 1 S:18 =3D 00000050=0D=0ADirty bit : Dirty=0D=0AFa=
st Format : Yes=0D=0AHot fixes : 00000000 =3D 0 b =0D=
=0AMax Hotfixes : 00000064 =3D 50 Kb=0D=0AHot list LSN : 0000=
0018=0D=0ACode pages : 00000002 =3D 2 Dec=0D=0ACodePage LS=
N : 00000080=0D=0AChksum SuperBlock : CED79B0A=0D=0AChksum SpareBlock : 6CB5=
20FD=0D=0AMax SpareDirs : 00000014 =3D 20 Dec=0D=0AUsed SpareDirs =
: 00000014 =3D 20 Dec=0D=0ASpareDirs sectors :=0D=0A 00107E80 00107E=
84 00107E88 00107E8C 00107E90 00107E94 00107E98 00107E9C=0D=0A 00107EA0 001=
07EA4 00107EA8 00107EAC 00107EB0 00107EB4 00107EB8 00107EBC=0D=0A 00107EC0 =
00107EC4 00107EC8 00107ECC=0D=0A=0D=0AReadWrite Store 1 : PhysDisk : 1 PartI=
d 01 =3D C: mode=3DHPFS 090602-140639=0D=0ARC:0 : 00000=
080 u=3DFFFFFFC1 x=3D00000018 this=3D00000011 Base=3D0000003F=0D=0A=0D=0A=
=0D=0ADFSee OS2 version : 4.22 executing: log=0D=0ALogfile being closed.=0D=
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The Southern California OS/2 User Group
P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA
Copyright 2001 the Southern California OS/2 User Group. ALL RIGHTS
SCOUG, Warp Expo West, and Warpfest are trademarks of the Southern California OS/2 User Group.
OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International
Business Machines Corporation.
All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.