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PMFaxlite sends okay but won't receive more than one page. The message
log says the inbound transmissions failed because there was no carrier.
Maybe this information will help someone tell me what is wrong.
My modem is a USRobotics insternal Sportster 33.6 I am using SIO v. 1.60d.
Injoy runs on COM1 at 57.6 kbps; so does OZWIN2.
PMFaxlite is on COM2; I can't find out what the kbps rate is or a place in
the program to set it. My 12 year old Logitech bus mouse is also on COM2.
Oops! I think I see my problem. PMFaxlite should be on COM1. If I have
resolved my problem, how do I set the rate to the 115.2 kbps that is
recommended for PMFaxlite? My pc has an AMD K-6, 200 mhz cpu, a 1.2 mb
cache and 32 mb of ram if that has any bearing on the question.
TIA for recommendations.
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