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Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 23:32:53 PST7
From: "Info 4 SYNass.NET" <Info@SYNass.NET >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: Unimaint kills associations ?

Content Type: text/plain

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Hello everbody
Hello Jim

> Maybe someone should point that out to the developers ?

Here I do reply to the suggestion above and link to Jim Read.
He may be able to help us I hope ;-)

Kind regards, svobi on 25.03.2002 19.53.31
Please respond to
cc: =

Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: Unimaint kills associations ?

Peter wrote:

> What I want to know is *what* to avoid when running Unimaint
Repair to
> keep this from happening. I ran three different selections:
> Do All WPS, PM and File Handle Repairs
> Do All Individual INI File Repairs
> Do Aggressive File Handles Repair

My experience with "Do Aggressive File Handles Repair," while
maybe not as
bad as yours, strongly suggests that it is *way* too aggressive. =

(Maybe someone
should point that out to the developers ?) If this function was
more intelligent
in what it sought to do, and less of a blunt instrument, this
might not be a problem.

IIRC, some of the trouble you got into with UniMaint was due to
your having
reached a point where there was so much of a cleanup job for it
to do that the
program got overwhelmed. Did you ever get caught up on
correcting the accumulated
bad stuff ?

UniMaint's Desktop Backup function gets all the EAs, the INIs,
key files you may
designate, etc. I don't know if gets your associations too (my
guess is it does), but
even if not, there is probably some other way of doing this with
the program.


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