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Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2002 10:15:48 PST7
From: Michael Rakijas < >
To: scoug-help < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: Adaptec driver releases

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** Reply to message from "J. R. Fox" on Fri, 1 Mar 2002
09:24:09 PST7

> Rocky wrote:
> >> > #OEM:9.50#@ Adaptec 7800 Family Driver for OS/2 (d2.4 990408)
> >
> > Yes, this is the 2.4 version I had problems with that I went back to the 2.3
> > version. The 2.4 is also the version that is supplied with the Device Driver
> > Fix Pak 2. Since 2.3 had a few quirks, and 2.4 was an unmitigate failure for
> > me, I tried the newer 7800FAM.EXE which claims to be a version 10.2.
> My understanding is that there could have been more than one version of the 2.4 version -- the one that CDS had
> placed on their site having been doctored by someone or other, to fix certain
> issues.

That's interesting. I hadn't heard that. Is their download still available
somewhere? I wouldn't mind doing a file compare with the 2.4 I have or even
trying it out to see if it resolves my issues.

> In any case, do let us know
> what results you get from this much later version.

Will do but, for now, the 10.2 wouldn't even load on my machine. It acts as if
there's not even a card on the machine.

> (If it is really 10.2, there must have been a bunch of other
> releases in-between, which might be worth looking into.)

I actually think that they may be from two different development trees (maybe
one from IBM and one from Adaptec?). I really don't think there is a six major
release difference between the two sets.

> Jordan



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