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> [BASEDEV=] are loaded before the IFS's are running.
In CONFIG.SYS, must IFS= appear before certain other lines?
I notice, for example, that the IFS=...CDFS.IFS line is before
BASEDEV=IBMATAPI.FLT in my CONFIG.SYS. Is this sequence required?
I'm unclear on when (which scan of CONFIG.SYS) the IFS= lines are
processed and what other lines are processed on that same scan.
I know that BASEDEV= lines are processed based on the extension of each
driver (the specific sequence is given in the BASEDEV= online
documentation), and that BASEDEV= lines are processed before DEVICE=
lines. But I've never seen any documentation on when IFS= lines are
There must be a reason that the Warp developers have us use
IFS=...HPFS.IFS instead of DEVICE=...HPFS.IFS. Darned if I know what
that reason is; I'm guessing it has something to do with the load
- Peter
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