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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
Well, for now I use ATTGLOBAL.NET over either a 56K US Robotics or a 33.6
Thinkpad built-in modem.
On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 11:36:41 PST7, J. R. Fox wrote:
>If you are responding to someone asking for help who
>may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
>REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
>Gary Wong wrote:
>> I'm considering signing up for Pac Bell DSL. Would you recommend it or not, given
>> alternative in my area (Fullerton) is Adelphia?
>As the comments coming in suggest, I guess you have to ask the question
"Compared to what ?" Once you've experienced broadband -- probably any
broadband -- the
>prospect of returning to dial-up service becomes too painful to comtemplate. (Still, I
always recommend keeping one's 56K modem connected, as a fallback for
>emergencies. Believe me, you will need to use it once in awhile.)
>I don't know if Adelphia is the same everywhere, though I have my suspicions.
Having received their cable-TV service for the last few years, and having consulted
>their support people a number of times, I had no interest in sampling their cable
modem service. Pac Bell, as disappointing as it can be, at least is a known
>quantity. It's a shame there are no other real choices. But, if they push me far enough,
I might start reconsidering that move over to EarthLink DSL.
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