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Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 01:37:52 PST7
From: "Info 4 SYNass.NET" <Info@SYNass.NET >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: eCS cd#2

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

Hello Wolfram (
Hello SCOUG-Help folk
your discussion about empty, defective or unreadable CD2 is very
Yesterday I did compare the installation CD-ROM of OS2 SWC / MCP1
(4.51) =

and CD2 of eCS with Wolfram's DIRdiff 1.07 ...

=2E.. and I noticed something very interesting:

Both seem to install version 4.51 but eCS contains somewhat 700
plus more =

entries than IBM's intallation process ;-)
The most interesting discovery is the structure:
Its very different each ...
=2E.. and very many files even same name, size and date are
declared NOT =

equal ;-((

I had installed eCS with the 3 Installation Diskettes and CD2 a
few times and =

never got problems with this process ...
=2E.. the problems start after this installation continuing with
CD1 with converting =

into eCS ;-((

I included Wolfram because he may have an idea why these CD-ROM's =

are not comparable !? Perhaps because of this different structure
=2E.. different folders and pathes !?

Kind regards, svobi on 13.03.2002 09.05.03
Please respond to
cc: =

Subject: SCOUG-Help: eCS cd#2

In <>, on 03/12/02 =

at 09:09 PM, Sheridan George said:

>Both have the same directories that Jordan listed, which
reachable but
>are empty, plus base, misc, nfsos2. The latter 3 have files:

I guess empty is better than unreadable. However, as you can see
from the
list I e-mailed you, if more is better, my CD is better. :-)

Very stange configuration management scheme, it would appear.


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