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Steve Carter wrote:
> >My SCSI adapter card has no BIOS. The
> >motherboard is quite new and the [MB]
> >BIOS supports SCSI boot selection.
> All it does is suppress normal booting from an
> IDE HD if a SCSI Host Adapter (HA) and SCSI
> boot drive are present. The HA must still have
> a SCSI BIOS to boot ANYTHING on the SCSI bus.
1) I've heard that you can force a motherboard to suppress its IDE boot
if you tell it there aren't any IDE drives. The SCSI BIOS then boots
(or "allows the motherboard to boot"?) from the SCSI drive (which one if
there are several?) and the OS/2 drivers then "find" the IDE drives when
they are loaded by the CONFIG.SYS file. Is this true?
2) Are there SCSI HA BIOS that _don't_ allow booting to a SCSI device?
When buying a SCSI HA which has a BIOS, do you have to *verify* that it
allows you to boot through it?
3) What is the impact of the driver order in the CONFIG.SYS file? Does
it just affect the drive letter assignments or is there something else
to consider?
-- I think I once had to tell the drivers to initialize one drive at a
time to get a certain drive letter assignment (such as C: IDE, D: SCSI,
E: IDE, F: IDE) but it's been a while and I don't remember what the
driver parameters were.
-- Nor do I remember if I could initialize certain partitions
individually or if I had to initialize an entire physical drive with
each CONFIG.SYS driver line.
- Peter
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