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>In <>, on 04/30/02
> at 10:52 PM, said:
>>I don't have it and the Powerquest web site only offers downloads for
>>later versions. I suppose I could e-mail them and ask for the patch
>>file. They must still have it somewhere.
>You could do that, but I happen to remember where they keep them. :-)
>I'm pretty sure this is the patch for the OS/2 version. If not, you've
>have to hunt some more are emial Powerquest for the correct location.
>>I did not know fdisk would handle a 20 GB drive. In fact I was under the
>It's not an fdisk issue as much as a driver issue. If the driver can
>support the drive, fdisk can support the drive. If you are booting DOS,
>then the driver is the BIOS, so the BIOS capabilities are the limiting
>>something. I will read the command info to see if it makes me more
>>comfortable about using it.
>We can discuss this on the IRC Help Desk if you wish.
>>Doesn't the first of the two floppies boot to Caldera's open DOS? Or are
>>you assuming the program files are on the hard drive and the program is
>>run after booting to DOS with boot manager?
>As I mentioned above, if you are booted to DOS, the BIOS will limit what
>fdisk can do. If you boot from a set of updated OS/2 boot diskettes with
>drivers that support 20GB drives, then fdisk will work without problems.
Thanks for the Partition Magic URL. Since I received a patch attached to
an e-mail from Ray Davison, I may not need it.
My floppies to boot OS/2 were made from FP15 files. So I assume I have
the necessary drivers unless some of Daniella's are needed.
If you want a laugh, read the thread about my Drive Image problems. I was
trying to get a more recent backup, clean up the Unimaint and Injoy
problems on my current master disk as you recommended, and then do a
general clean up with Unimaint, chekini, etc., make another backup, and
then copy the cleaned up OS/2 to my new hard drive.
But I think now that I will Install the 15 gig hard drive to verify that
the bios on my 1997 FIC 2007 motherboard will handle it, copy the messed
up OS/2 partition and all other partitions to it, and do all of my cleanup
on the new drive.
My current drive is 2 gig and the bios assigned LBA to it. I am pretty
sure there is a bad spot on it because I remember a SYS screen accompanied
by some horrible noises.
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