>> net view
>This correctly identified the machines logged on the net.
Interesting. That says that much of the LAN code is still operating.
>No \APPLETS, no OS/2 version of netping anywhere.
You didn't install it. Look on your install CD in the MPTS directory
tree. It's in a .zip file named
MPTSAPLT.ZIP 508,925 .... 10-02-98 17:22:54
>WEB connection OK
Other than saying the NIC is not totally dead, that does not tell us much.
>"SYS0059 unexpected network error" on LAN connect attempt.
>Reboot and Log-on, and all is OK, for a while.
net stop requester
net start peer
Does that fix it?
What about the error logs? What does running
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.31a #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.085_W4 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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