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Harry Chris Motin wrote:
> Just as a curiosity, can you initialize and use the modem with anything
> else? For example, using your Internet browser, the IBM dialer and the
> linkup.exe program, can you get your modem to work?
No, I haven't tried that because my web access is DSL and works fine.
> Also, another curiosity: I have Incharge. Exactly how do you use
> Incharge with a modem? What does it do? How does it hook up to your
> modem? I bet the answers are in the Incharge online documentation, right
> (which I have not read through)?
> HCMotin
InCharge supports CheckFree, an electronic bill paying service which you
subscribe to separately. I've used this since '95, and hope it
continues. About two years back CheckFree was acquired by a bigger fish
who threatened to cut off support for InCharge users. Bruce Landeck,
the InCharge developer, hired attorneys and forced CheckFree to continue
supporting InCharge users, but AFIK the only access is by modem, not
web. The InCharge docs give the details. More recently, InCharge added
support for a different bill paying service that does offer web access.
I still need the modem for FAXes.
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