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>>The last line in config.sys is:
>That might be too far down. I think it needs to be loaded before the
>protocols attempt to bind to it. Usually it's somewhere after
>protman.os2 and before the rest of the protocol drivers
I moved it up much higher, but it didn't make any difference.
>>Could I get a copy of your drivers to try?
>I'll email them separately.
Except for the "Title" they are exactly the same as what I have.
>You might try manually configuring the interface. This will make testing
>faster, if nothing else. un-REM the ifconfig LAN0 statement and REM the
>dhcpstrt statment.
That certainly makes the boot up go faster, but I don't have access to the
internet until I run DHCPSTRT (not that it matters at this point -- the
card just won't work).
Could it be I have a defective card, even though it works OK under
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