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Hi Jordan, Sheridan and Steve
Jordan's questions are also very interesting to me ;-)
I am evaluating THE BEST TYPE of Thinkpad 600 as a successor of
old, slow and weak plus rocksolid and perfect working Toshiba
T4900CT !
As I know there are different Thinkpad 600 types like 600 / 600E
and 600X !!
As I also know: The 600x is newer than the 600E and therefor most
powerful !
I would like to hear some PRO and CONTRA's why to decide for one
these 2 types: either the 600E or the 600X !?
What is your opinion ?
Thanks for your comments !
Cheers, svobi on 12.11.2002 02.40.20
Please respond to
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: IBM Thinkpad model 600
Sherican & Steve:
I've followed much but not all of this thread.
Can you synopsize for me why this particular model is considered
so desirable for folks like us ?
How well can it compare to current model TP's in terms of key
features: H/D, screen, keyboard,
CD-drive, memory, battery life, expandability (if any), etc. ?
Also, I think current models like the T-series were somewhat
vs. the earlier models, no ?
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