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Hi everbody
I got a 7-port router (Digitus HiP-800E made from Amit !?) and
wanted to replace my 4-port SMC 7004 BR ...
... and runned into disastrous troubles ;-(
I was told that my new router is the same as my current one
but having FW version 1.93s I wanted to upgrade to the most
accurate 1.94a.
Upgrading went successfully but the unit stucked while rebooting
... and after a long time a switched off and on manually:
Since then the unit isn't allocable anymore ;-((
Not enough the troubles:
Reversing to the old router I happen to catch the wrong power
and feeded my SMC with 12V instead of 5V only ;-(((
Now I am having NO router working anymore and I also have NO
idea how to get my new one back to function !?
Any suggestions to overcome this ?
Thanks in advance for your advice, help, hints and suggestions.
Deep frustrated, svobi
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