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Hi Wayne
Thanks for your reply.
Your configurations seem to be quite similar to mine ;-)
I will give a try today with either IBM's Web Browser or perhaps
the most accurate Mozilla.
These bucks for SWC and eCS plus eCS Upgrade Protection are spent
already ...
... so it isn't a problem to get all the stuff ;-))
Cheers, svobi on 10.11.2002 22.52.00
Please respond to
Subject: SCOUG-Help: best Browser Choice !?
I'm using Mozilla 1.2a under Warp 4 fp15. Works fine, but as
previously, you need Java 1.3.1 (I have 1.1.8) to see Java
applets, so there
are some drawbacks to Netscape and Mozilla under Warp4. I use
both... mostly
Mozilla, but sometimes I bring up Netscape 4.61 if a site demands
Java in
order to be usable. I haven't found very many sites where one or
the other
won't suffice.
The solution, I guess, is to spend the bucks and get eCs, but I'm
too cheap.
Info2SYNass.NET writes:
> Hi everbody
> Netscape 4.61 is having problems more and more to reading of
> websites ...
> ... so I began using Phoenix, now 0.4, but I am not happy with
> its too restrictive slim-trim ;-((
> What is your experience with either IBM Web Browser or Mozilla ?
> Which one would you recommend to use as a default one ?
> Generally I am not an Alpha, Beta Tester and myself I am tending
> to the IBM Web Browser !
> What are the recommended prerequeisites to have IBM Web Browser
> working properly ?
> My system is Warp V4 with FP16 and DDP3 but without Java higher
> than 1.1.8
> You advice, experience, hints and suggestions are hot awaited
> Thanks in advance
> svobi
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