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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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I thought I sent an email to scoug on this yesterday, but it didn't show up
in my inbasket... let me try again.
A two-part question:
1. Does anyone know of a freeware screensaver for use with Warp4 that will
display my own jpg files?
2. I looked on Hobbes for a suitable screensaver, and the files there are
all quite old, with little or no description. I chose to download one named
"Wipeout" that looked like a possibility, but then I had a problem with the
install process. Perhaps someone will know what my problem was:
After unzipping the download file, I had 2 folders... disk1 and disk2. Disk
1 had a readme file which was totally inadequate, with little to no
information about how the screensaver works or how to install it. But there
was an "install.exe" program in the disk1 folder so I invoked it. It gave me
a nice graphics screen with a logo and asked what portions of Wipeout I
wanted to install, then showed graphics of my hard drives and said to click
on the drive where I wanted the install, but then it asked me for disk1. I
could not get past that. I tried copying the disk1 folder to diskette, and
executed install.exe from the diskette... same message. I tried using a path
statement and using a "set srcpath = a:" command before invoking
install.exe... same message. I am stymied, is there somthing I should be
Can anyone recommend a screen saver program that will display my own jpg
files, or tell me what to do to get Wipeout to install so I can find out if
that program will do what I wish?
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