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Info2SYNass.NET writes:
> Hi Wayne
> You wrote:
>>Next I booted Warp4 from diskettes and ran chkdsk /f against
>>the partition and it fixed a LOT of stuff this time...
>>previously it simply gave me a sys1316 error saying
>>"the format of the extended attributes on the disk is incorrect
> for
>>this version of OS/2".
>>I then booted Warp4 from the hard drive and everything SEEMS to
> be
>>normal again (only time will tell for sure).
> With a small Maintenance Partition and a BootOS2 installation
> from
> your already existing and accurate system environment you
> wouldn't
> need the floppy boot anymore ;-)
> You do maintain your system partition with Fixpak's and everthing
> and your floppies are going obsolete and finally may even not
> work
> anymore ;-(
> Since a few weeks I do have a WPS featured Maintenance Partiton
> of my top updated V4 FP16 environment ...
> ... I wouldn't change back to Disk Jockey style ;-))
> I really appreciate this convenience and efficiency with the
> Maintenance Partition plus BootOS2 !!
> Cheers, svobi
Sounds good, Svobi, but I'm afraid I have to admit my ignorance... I can
figure out how to create the OS/2 standalone diskettes from a running
system, but how does one create a maintenance partition? Do you need to do a
regular install of Warp from scratch in a new partition, then upgrade it to
fixpack 16, or is there an easy way?
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