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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
My first thought would be to tell them Dave handles threatening letters,
and they spelled his name wrong. We'll deal with them when they get
his name wrong. My second though is they must be some kind of
morons if they think a link is a "mirror." Plus they write badly. I'll
withhold my third thought. My 4th thought is we should ignore them
and take the link to their rather humble page off our site.
Ooh! I just had a 5th thought -- let's send them a bill for services
rendered for posting their "mirror" all these years. And we'll take
strong actions if they don't pay within 30 days.
On 25 Nov 2002 at 16:03, Sheridan George wrote:
> Anybody know what this is about?
> ...This is letter #2 asking you to remove the mirror.
> You mirror site is not working correctly and I do not
> want you processing any sales.
> Your mirror is at:
> If you choose to ignore this letter like you did the last one, stronger
> measures will be
> taken.
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