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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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Dr. Jeffrey Race writes:
> I went through all this and created two help files about this problem.
> I am sending privately to Wayne and can send to anyone else who
> requests.
> Jeffrey Race
My thanks... you gave me the courage to use Win95 to rename the ea data.sf
file, I was still too chicken to delete it. Your writeup said to use DOS to
delete ea data.sf, but DOS didn't list that file in a "dir". Next I booted
Warp4 from diskettes and ran chkdsk /f against the partition and it fixed a
LOT of stuff this time... previously it simply gave me a sys1316 error
saying "the format of the extended attributes on the disk is incorrect for
this version of OS/2". I then booted Warp4 from the hard drive and
everything SEEMS to be normal again (only time will tell for sure).
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