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Hi Butch
Mozilla is still Beta !
Another question: How old is your Mozilla build and version ?
Do you have TEMP and TMP directories set in your CONFIG.SYS ???
Cheers, svobi on 07.11.2002 17.23.47
Please respond to
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Downloading error message
In my various attempts to download rsj, I've come across this
message while using Mozilla: Downloading
C:\tcpipltmp\5\48quju.pdf could
not be saved becasue the source file could not be read. Try
later or
contact server administrator.
This message is the same trying to download the rsj cd-rw program
or the
pdf file for the user guide. It only occurs with Mozilla,
therefore I
download with Netscape.
Just wondering why the source file could not be read.
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