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Hi Steven
Thanks for your answer.
>>Normally reading my e-mails in Lotus Notes I was able to
>>double-click >on links and got started the Netscape with
>>the respective websites !
>>Unfortunately since my experiments with these newer
>>browsers my Lotus Notes this ability is gone and
>>became very, very inconvenient ;-((
>You may have told the installer to make OS2Web your default
That's correct and I also have tried to installed as NON-default !
>Open up any URL object and check if this is the case.
No, that's not the case: Opening URL icons I am getting Netscape
>If so, use the Browse and Set Default buttons to change the
>back to Netscape.
I have done so many times but "stubborn what" from Notes does not
open the link correctly ;-(
Any other hints or possibility/ies ???
Any advice is very appreciaeted ;-)
Cheers, svobi
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