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Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2002 23:02:55 PST7
From: "Info2SYNass.NET" <Info@SYNass.NET >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: data association

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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Hi Wayne
data association is an interesting feature of OS/2 and sometimes
really troublesome,
exspecially in the case of viewer versus PMview !

As fo DOC files you have to use ASSOEDIT and set your preferred
either MS or the editor as default. On the other hand you may
R-M-B the DOC file
and under "OPEN AS" you select the needed application.

My solution is:
I had set the DOC association to WinWord and if I do not want to
use it, I do call
the editor with the R-M-B as described before !
Therefor I do use DOC only for WinWord and if I come across a
file I do a manual rename to TXT.

Regarding the VIEWER it seems to be much more difficult and I
also would learn
how to stop VIEWER working !!!

In properties I have set "Bitmap" for files like JPG etc and I
also have used PRIMGFIX
but however and whatever I do and did and tried:
VIEWER is penetrant first ;-((
After a manual change of the bitmap file manually to "PMview" and
some clickings
to activate the new association it works but sometime still
looses the personally
set ;-(

Have a nice Sunday
svobi on 03.11.2002 00.24.20
Please respond to
Subject: SCOUG-Help: data association

I have OfficePro installed on my Warp 4 fp15 system. It seems to
me that
things used to be set up so that if I clicked on an xxxx.doc
file, it would
automatically launch MS Word to edit the file. Now I get the OS/2
editor. Why?

If I rightt-click on the data file (xxxx.doc) and check the
"type" tab,
current type is MS Word. For the MS Word program itself, the
"type" is
"executable" and the "association" tab shows "current type" as
"MS Word" and
"current name" as "*.doc".

Tried adding a new type of "doc" to the "type" properties of
xxxx.doc, but
get the same result if I double-click it... the os2 system editor

On the other hand, if I double-click an xxxx.jpg file, it
launches a viewer
(I can't tell which program, though) to show the file, and the
properties of
the data file show a type of "jpg" even though that choice is not
on the
"available types" list.

What am I doing wrong?


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