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Hi Steven
I had bought MR2/ICE when I started with WARP.
Something oder somewhat didn't satisfy me and I changed to PRM
which was my default e-mailer for many years until I changed to
Lotus Notes with this new century.
My data partition is structured very special:
It's a virtual picture copy of my real office environment ;-)
Also my WPS is a virtual picture of my working environment ;-))
All e-mails were placed in the respective folders of the already
existing file structure and with PRM I had my perfect solution
keeping same documents all togehter in one place and I would
love to go back to this solution again ;-)))
May be I have to change to Polarbar to continue in my prefered
way like PRM did !? I hesitate the intensive workload of change
all this again ;-((
Have a nice weekend
svobi on 08.11.2002 19.24.07
Please respond to
Subject: SCOUG-Help: PolarBar Mailer
In <1036770547-0-Info@SYNass.NET>, on 11/08/02
at 01:49 AM, "Info2SYNass.NET" said:
>I would appreciate a combination of sort which keeps the
>"time receiving" together "by subject, primarily"
Which is one of the many options MR2/ICE supports. The only
thing ICE
does not do it true threading, but Subject in natural order is
enough for me.
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