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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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I have three machines that I have been rebuilding. One is a clone of
one of the others. The third was a fresh install from UPDATECD. They
mostly work. However they all have missing icons on some of the OS/2
files. The directories I have checked are OS2 and MMOS2. Each machine
has different icons missing. Also just opening drives directory objects
is sometimes enough to freeze the system.
I am working on one machine at a time.
I have UNIMAINT demo. I never sent them $65 because whenever I ran it
it never suggested it would have fixed anything of any significance.
CLEANINI runs, but I am not sure it ever does anything.
CHECKINI is, interesting? When it gets to something it doesn't like it
just freezes. I got it to move a bit further thru abstract objects by
deleting the SNAP and WARPIN folders. Now it doesn't like the Reference
and Commands folder.
Any ideas?
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