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Hi Harry, hi everbody
Thanks for your reply and your thoughts !
I appreciate exchanging opinions with you SCOUG members !!
Even beeing an old fox in/around IT and with OS/2 I learnt a lot
with you folks !!!
> Thanks for your input and thoughts.
You are welcome and every hint and suggestion is appreciated ;-)
>One thing I've learned about software.
>We all have our own particular likes and dislikes,
>our own way of doing it.
That's true. Discussing with ones ideas and opinions I am
able to compare my solution with the ones and so I am able
to compare my current with the discussed one and to choose
the better one ;-))
>The method that I gave Butch is essentially how I do it
(although I use
>Back Again/2000 and GTU Sentry). I never did like the OS/2
>archive method. However, I am going to re-read your information
>carefully. I may glean something for me to use.
I appreciate very much your efforts with the REXX script for BA,
once again: Thank you !
Unfortunately your last script arrived a little too late for me:
If I had gotten it little earlier I may had have a working data
backup from playing around with your newest REXX script version
and my very important Lotus Notes Mail File (520MB) could have
been saved somewhere !!
Why ???
I did not realize that my existing backups were not restorable
Since more than 5 years I am using Sytos Premium for backup
and restore my data and am / was very satisfied with its work.
Absolutely no problems till this ;-((
>I think you are right that anyone with a different
>method should offer it up as a suggestion.
I do agree with you ;-)
Discussing together we all gain ;-))
My current lost of these very important data exactly shows
the importance of a serious data backup !!!
>Thanks for your help
Once again, you are welcome and thanks for your help ;-)))
Regards, svobi
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