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Hello SCOUG members
I would appreciate your assistance in finding a replacement for
my old notebook.
My Toshiba T4900CT with an 75MHz CPU with a max RAM of 40MB,
however in
a very good condition, is getting really very slow !
So I began looking and searching in an attractive replacement !?
With my investigations especielly regarding OS/2 Warp V 4 my
decision goes to
the model 600e of IBM's Thinkpad with a 400MHz CPU.
I am also looking on eBay and but noticed the
restriction of being
delivered to the US only ;-(
Do you know a very good address to get such a notebook in mint
possibly with some additional features i.e more / max RAM or a
Docking Bay ??
Another special wish:
Being in Europe / Switzerland I would appreciate the possibility
to buy our
special Swiss-German keyboard !?
Your assistance, help, hints and suggestions are very appreciated
Thanks in advance ;-)
Regards, svobi
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