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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
Hi Steve
Thanks, exspecially, for your hints regarding the Thinkpad
mailing List.
I had some problems to access the website but have subscribed to
the list now ;-)
You are absolutely correct: Consider joining it, even before
buying !!!
Regarding to your model:
Could you reveal your exact model #: Is it an 2645-5BG/DVD or an
or whatever ? Do you know the meaning of the last 3 digit/letters
i.e. as higher
as more new !?
Another point catched my interest: You wrote up to 544MB RAM !?
How comes ? In IBM's specs I read max as 288MB only !?
You are also correct regarding the suggestion to develop an US
contact ;-)
I do have a few but cannot use them as they are computer literate
Well, they could act as a "US resident buyer". They are unable to
do some
checks and first tests to make sure the unit is working
accordingly to the
announcement !?
The only one competent contact I know is already contacted but
to be very, very busy. I have to wait for this answer.
However I am not in a hurry but will see if I am able to catch an
X-Mas package for myself ,-))
Once again, thanks.
Regards, svobi on 27.10.2002 18.02.26
Please respond to
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: Where to get an IBM Thinkpad 600e
bargain ?
Post your question to the Thinkpad list.
Many members are in Europe.
There's a lot of OS/2 users on the list too.
Consider joining it, even before you buy.
(They've just recently changed their location,
so older references may be in error).
This great list has a searchable archive of past submissions.
Your choice of the 600E agrees with many other list members.
I bought a refurbished 600E last December for all the same
Supports (up to) 544MB RAM and large drives -- I added a 20GB
Accessories, including batteries, are still available (try eBay),
and have become (relatively) inexpensive.
Perhaps you need to develop a US contact who would be willing to
act as your representative and ship stuff to you in Switzerland.
From the list digest header:
"Send Thinkpad mailing list submissions to
To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
You can reach the person managing the list at"
On 10/27/02, Albert M. Svoboda wrote, in part:
>Hello SCOUG members
>I would appreciate your assistance in finding a replacement for
>my old notebook.
>My Toshiba T4900CT with an 75MHz CPU with a max RAM of 40MB,
>however in a very good condition, is getting really very slow!
>So I began looking and searching in an attractive replacement!?
>With my investigations especially regarding OS/2 Warp 4 my
>decision goes to the model 600e of IBM's Thinkpad with a 400MHz
>I am also looking on eBay and but noticed the
>restriction of being delivered to the US only ;-(
>Do you know a very good address to get such a notebook in mint
>condition possibly with some additional features i.e more / max
>RAM or a Docking Bay ??
>Another special wish:
>Being in Europe / Switzerland I would appreciate the
>possibility to buy our special Swiss-German keyboard !?
>Your assistance, help, hints and suggestions are very
>Thanks in advance ;-)
>Regards, svobi
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