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Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 14:40:20 PST7
From: "Steven Levine" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: Printer Driver Meltdown

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

In <>, on 09/25/02
at 10:53 AM, "J. R. Fox" said:

>I take it you mean the \Desktop section that ZTree shows as being empty,
>or mostly empty, although it really isn't ?

That's the one. How many files you find depends on what you have
installed. My actually contains 400 files.

>Here it is:

>Found PrintQueue 'StylusCo' PMPRINT
>Found PrintQueue 'Printer' PMPRINT
>Found PrintQueue 'IBMPCL5L' PMPRINT
>Found PrintQueue 'Printer2' PMPRINT
>Found PrintQueue 'Printer1' PMPRINT
>Found PrintQueue 'HPLaserJ' PMPRINT
>Found PrintQueue 'IBMPCL51' PMPRINT
>Found PrintQueue 'PTQ1' PMPRINT
>Found PrintQueue 'EPSONPR4' PMPRINT
>Found Printer 'IBMPCL5L' LPT2 EPOMNI3.Stylus COLOR 1160,PSCRIPT.Lexmark
>Optra Color 40,IBMPCL5.Lexmark Optra Color 1200
>Found Printer 'HPLaserJ' LPT1 LASERJET.HP LaserJet 4,LASERJET.HP LaserJet
>Series II Found Printer 'PTQ1' PSCRIPT.Lexmark Optra Color 40
>Found PrinterDriver 'OMNI.Stylus Photo 1200'
>Found PrinterDriver 'LASERJET.HP LaserJet 4'
>Found PrinterDriver 'EPOMNI3.Stylus COLOR 1160'
>Found PrinterDriver 'IBMPCL5.Lexmark Optra Color 1200'
>PrinterDriver 'PSCRIPT.Lexmark Optra Color 40'
>Found PrinterDriver 'EPSONPRT.EPSON Stylus COLOR 800'
> ''
>Found PrinterDriver 'LASERJET.HP LaserJet Series II'
>Found PrinterDriver 'IBMNULL'

What's supposed to work is:

prndrv -d "LASERJET.HP LaserJet Series II"

Is that how you used the command?

>of, and I have destroyed the objects for it. Next I'll get rid of the
>files. But there must still be stuff about it in the OS2 system files,
>which UniMaint isn't showing me. (Or I don't know where to look for it.)

Select and use Find -> Any Key Value and do a case insensitive
search for something like "optra" or whatever you are interested in.

>Even if I can turn the clock back slightly from tape, I'll still have the
>open question left over, about cleaning up the no-longer-needed drivers.

Those can handled easily when you have backups in place.

>I'll be needing some of those other ways.

You can do manually to os2sys.ini what prndrv does automatically. I'm
still not convinced that prndrv can't do the job for you.

>Settings ? How, where ?


>understand that Mozilla has something built-in for it), and expect that
>my firewall may need some adjusting in order to allow it.

Mozilla includes chatzilla and you will need to open up the irc ports.
Port 6667 is the default. Many servers support additional ports in the
6660-6669 range. Any port other than 0 is legal according to the RFC, but
ports outside the above range are rarely used. Try to connect to There's almost always someone on the #voice channel or
the #os/2 channel.


"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.31a #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.085_W4 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)


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