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Hi Sandy,
are you looking for these ?
Regards, svobi on 21.09.2002 20.25.09
Please respond to
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: Printer drivers
>To remove an unwanted printer properly from your system
> you have to do 3 things !!!
>1. Delete the specific printer icon in the printer folder
>2. In the properties in one of any existing printer you have to
>the driver of the unwanted printer
>3. Check in x:\OS2\dll for a directory entry of the unwanted
>Another hint at this point:
>To get all associations cleared before reinstalling the new
>printer and its newest files
>do a reboot of your system and use UniMaint or CheckINI to clean
>you reinstall.
Thanks Svobi,
That did the trick.
>What is the version of your IBMnull driver ?
>30.433 ??
Yes, version 30.433 dated 8/24/96.
BTW, I went to check the IBM Device Driver site to see if there
are any
later LaserJet drivers, and the site was gone. Does anyone know
if there
is a place to check?
Thanks, Sandy
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